Tubeless Tyre Puncture Repair DIY : SMARTDrive
Can i fix punctured tyre at home ? What do you need to fix a puncture?
Fixing a puncture in a tubeless car tyre using a puncture repair kit (tire plug kit). This tyre plug kit is used as a temporary repair to get you to a garage to have your tyre repaired professionally. At the end of the video you can see what the process looks like from inside the tyre. The tyre in this video had no air in it so it was safe to take the screw out using a screwdriver. If there is air in the tyre, get a good grip on the screw or nail with a pair of pliers and carefully pull it it out. I would highly recommend wearing safety goggles as you remove it. Thanks for watching. Please comment, like and subscribe !

टायर Puncture Repair घर पे निकाले : एकदम आसान उपाय :SMARTDrive
अब घर के घर पर ही आप टायर का पंचर निकाल सकते हैं कुछ आसान स्टेप्स है जिनको आप फॉलो करना कभी ना भूले यह वीडियो पूरा देखें.

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