Rats prefer our cars because it’s safer and warmer than any other location they may live. Rats can spend the entire night without paying you a dime.

Rat repellents are mostly used to keep rats and mice out of your car’s engine bay. This will save your car’s vital wiring and keep it in good working order throughout routine operations.
Many of our subscribers have Invested thousands of rupees or hundreds of dollars to repair those wirings after damage. But as we always say prevention is better than cure.

Early sign of Rats presence
Hairs on insulation mats.
Once you spot this after opening your cars bonnet you must take decision to repel the rats from that area. Because if rats find your cars engine bay comforatble like hall/living room it tries to make interior more spacious and good looking. Then the wirings and foam part makes a big hurdle for it. Rest is all you now.
Rats never cut wires on first visit. So if you are quite alert you have 2-3 days time to order and apply rat repellents to avoid further damage.
Any idea how to find and get rid of the rat??